So, as much as I was secretly hoping for the ASU competition to fall through so that we would not be destroyed, they replied with a confirmation. To top that off, we will be going against Scottsdale Community College and ASU. To top that off further, we will also be going up against Embry Riddle. I DO NOT want to be destroyed by them. They will secretly hold it against us for years to come. I keep being told that this will be "a great learning experience." I already know that we will be destroyed. There is nothing to learn if I'm already aware of it. Secondly, you learn nothing from being annihilated. It just leaves an awful failure feeling in the end. As such, I am super nervous. Even more so because I am being peer and mentor pressured into attending the competition. I am not even allowed to contemplate on my own. The only comfort I have is that our t-shirts will be the most awesome shirts at the competition.
Now to recap on this week:
1 robot is officialy in working condition. Woo! It is stable the buttons and motors work. Everythings okay. I almost cried. The other robot however is in a half alive state. It can drive if it wanted to and it has potential. But is it anywhere near proper operating condition? No, not really. As the last day comes upon us, I really wonder if we can make this happen. This will have to be a cooperative effort, which we are not the best at. I wish I could tell you guys more. However the secrecy factor prevents me from saying much of what has gone on. Tune in next week to hear the results of our match. Send positive thoughts!
Next week I'll be working on mazes.