Thursday, February 21, 2013

I Apologize

In all honesty I completely forgot to post for the last two weeks. I have, however, been making tremendous progress in robotics. I set out to design a lift for our robot. Without mentioning any specifics, I can say that my first design was thrown away. I was a little sad but it wasn’t as versatile as we needed to be. Plus, we only had 15 inches height wise to work with. So, I scrapped that idea and decided to move onto another lift design.
This did not come easily. Because I am new to the vex world, I had absolutely no idea of where the possibilities of lifts lie. I turned to the internet and, with Josh's help, found a variety of lift ideas. Again I can't provide details but after a whopping 6 hours of work, I had a lift. I was very proud of my accomplishment. However, after going to robotics club I found that my lift was extremely difficult to mount to a chassis. On top of that, I had already used up the allotted 15 inches for length. This makes it very hard to build the rest of the robot. So, we decided that building a new chassis around the lift would be best.
That is my most significant accomplishment over the past 2 weeks. I also helped fortify our other robot but in the end, we took it all down and restructured it. It has been frustrating.  The most frustrating event of all however is that ASU has yet to co tact us confirming the competition. This means that my hard work may have all been for naught. I am sad.
Also, my progress with the mazes has come to a halt. I have been doing nothing but building this whole time so I suppose I'll have time if ASU falls through.

This is actually a maze

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