Friday, April 19, 2013

Momentum maze

Like I said a couple of weeks ago, I found a logic maze but I did not know the rules for it. So today, I am posting them for you all. 

The rules for this maze are:

Find a path that travels from the start to the finish making vertical or horizontal movements of fixed length without hitting any walls. At the start of the maze, each movement must be 1-cell long. When you land on a shaded cell, this movement will change in length as indicated by the cell. Ignore values you pass over but do not land on. Length modifiers will only apply the first time you land on a cell, and your movement length will always be a positive integer.

Hooray for math in mazes.

Also I am being forced to build a motor. In physics 131, the greatest class ever, (University Physics Part II: Electricity and Magnetism) we have to build a motor using non plastic parts and original parts. This means that our parts can't come out of a kit. If I do well on this project I should be able to pass. Woo. I am god awful at physics so I'm pretty excited that I can potentially get an A at something in the class. So, I will be using this model. Please send me positive thoughts. 

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